助力王杰克逊迪拜巡演 —阿联酋辽宁商会
联合国UNESCO和平勋章获得者!被授予联合国世界和谐之星称号!好莱坞签约特型演员 美国奥斯卡、法国戛纳电影节特邀嘉宾。
Jackson Wang was a Winner of UNESCO Peace Medal. He was Awarded the title of United Nations World Harmony star and the Typecast actor signed up by Hollywood, Special guest at the Oscars, USA and the French Cannes Film Festival.
He is Recognized by all the MJ family members, a China-Africa tourism ambassador, US President Donald Trump stars at mar-a-lago. He was invited to the White House, and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
He was awarded CCTV’s man of the year award, interviewed with A Date With Lu Yu. He did the world tour in more than 30 countries, United States, United Arab Emirates, Middle East, Africa, Canada and so on.
Also interviewed by CNN, the Associated Press, the United Kingdom Reuters, Arab television radio and other international media.